8 Flexible Jobs Perfect for Uni Students

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HomeLearning Hub8 Flexible Jobs Perfect for Uni Students
A part-time job while at university can have a positive influence on your life. It’s not just about having more money to do the things you love and for necessities such as textbooks and food—it’s also about preparing you for life outside of uni.
Students who earn their own money tend to spend it more wisely. It teaches them to budget, as hard-earned money can be hard to part with. Students with jobs have less free time, meaning they need to become more organised and better planners. When you’re working, you need to juggle your priorities and practice time management.
A part-time job also gives you a set of transferable skills, ones that employers demand from graduates, yet often complain are lacking. A part-time job gives you commercial awareness and experience, teaches you to work as part of a team, shows you have initiative, and that you’re not afraid of hard work.

The best jobs for students

The best jobs for students are jobs that are flexible. You need a job to work around busy study periods and a varied—and often packed—schedule. If you think you can fit a job into your schedule and are looking for part-time work, here are 8 flexible jobs perfect for uni students.

1. Tutoring

Tutoring is one of the most flexible jobs you can do, and you can earn quite a bit of money in a short amount of time. Go through an agency or advertise yourself, the latter meaning you can set your own price.
Because tutoring involves one-on-one time, you can schedule your sessions for a time that suits you both. It’s academic in nature too, giving you a good advantage over your peers when it comes to applying for internships and other professional opportunities—showing you are educationally-driven.

2. Babysitting

If you genuinely enjoy being around kids, babysitting is an easy gig that pays well. It can work around your schedule too, rather than you having to build a schedule around your work. Most of your work will be in the afternoons, evenings and weekends too, meaning availability at a time that best suits you.
Employers take note of babysitters because babysitting shows you have initiative and that you are responsible and dependable. They also know that with babysitting comes extra study—what else are you going to do when a child is napping

3. Sell your study notes and textbooks

Preparing study notes is an integral part of uni life, but after you’ve learned your notes and aced your exam, what do you do with them? Did you know that you can actually sell your study notes to and make money from them? Don’t let your hard work go to waste—simply upload your notes to websites like StudentVIP, sit back, and watch the money roll in!
Another way to earn some extra cash is by selling your old textbooks. Textbooks are an expensive purchase, and although necessary, you’ll likely never use them again once you’re finished with that particular subject. Declutter your room and make some money at the same time by listing your textbooks on StudentVIP.

4. Freelance writing

Every niche with a web presence needs writers to create content, therefore freelance writing is an excellent way to earn cash in your spare time. Freelance writing also expands your learning each time you take on a job.
There are plenty of online sites dedicated to registering writers, and you don’t need any equipment other than a laptop or desktop computer to get started. If you want, choose to specialise in topics specific to the course you’re studying, exposing you to opportunities within your field. Writing about what you know will also make you a standout writer, securing you more jobs.

5. Dog walking

Most dog owners aren’t too precious about what time their dog is walked, making dog walking a great job for students with a varied schedule. As long as the dog gets a walk, their owners will generally be happy.
Dog walking can be done through an agency, but it can be easily advertised on your own too. Head to your nearest dog park or beach and start spreading the word!

6. Letterbox drops

Someone has to deliver all that junk mail to your letterbox—why not let it be you? Letterbox drops can be done in your own time, on a day that best suits you. Involving lots of walking, it will keep you active too. Get on your bike or run if you want to speed up the process - many leaflets and brochures are paid according to how many you deliver, so the faster you go, the more money you can make!

7. Data entry

Data entry requires no prior skills other than basic computer knowledge. You can more often than not do it from home too, meaning you can work flexibly and with ease.
While data entry isn’t the most exciting of jobs, it can teach you important skills like attention to detail, organisation and administrative skills that future employers will value.

8. Photography

If you have a passion for photography, you have a reason to smile—individuals and businesses are always looking for reasonably-priced photographers! If you don’t want to go out and source photography gigs such as weddings and product launches, try registering with one of the many stock photo sites and upload some snaps. Each time someone purchases your photo you’ll be given a small fee. If your photography proves to be popular, you could end up making some serious cash!

Important things to remember


Location is a big thing when you have a busy schedule, so a job that’s easily accessible and near either your home or campus is ideal. If you’re able to secure a job at a shop or café close to uni, you might be able to fit in a shift between lectures, saving you valuable study time for your days off. Alternatively, a job close to home will save you commute time.

Plan for the unexpected

While creating a schedule is important for managing part-time work and study, you need to plan for the unexpected. Allow a buffer by allocating sufficient time for study. This way you’ll avoid getting stressed if things don’t go exactly to plan. For example, if you know you have a big assessment period coming up, you might want to ask your employer to cut down your hours for those few weeks.

Reward yourself

If you’re pushing yourself to earn money while studying hard, be sure to treat yourself. Go on a fun trip on the weekend, shout yourself a nice dinner, or indulge in a small shopping spree. Rewarding yourself will encourage you to continue working hard and will strengthen your habits instead of leading to burn out.

Get your super organised

Even as a student, if you get a job, you need a super fund. But as a student on a part-time wage, not all super funds will be appropriate for you. This is because many super funds charge hefty fees for members even with low balances. If you have only been in the workforce for a couple of years, or are just getting your first job, it’s likely that a lot of your super contributions could be eroded by fees. But not with Student Super. Student Super is a fund tailored to students’ specific needs. Get started today.

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